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Examining the Opportunities and Challenges of the History Teaching in High Schools in the Scope of the General Program of Curriculum Guidelines of Twelve-Year Compulsory Education
作者 莊德仁
Many new reforms proposed by the Twelve-Year Compulsory Education will have a great impact on real teaching context in senior high schools. Under the structure of Twelve-Year Compulsory Education, more teaching hours are available, which enables teachers to design their own teaching materials. Along with existing practical history teaching materials in secondary schools as models, the features above are the strengths beneficial to the implementation of Twelve-Year Compulsory Education. New history curriculum outline into the concept of historical consciousness, so that history teaching can be smooth to link the past, now and the future, this is an important breakthrough in teaching reform.Still, three main challenges are expected, including that teachers are required to get rid of the habit of working alone, that teachers should be equipped with the ability to design teaching materials with history reading competency, and that history subject might become a database under the structure of interdisciplinary framework.
起訖頁 75-125
關鍵詞 十二年國教核心素養歷史教學閱讀素養歷史意識Twelve-Year Compulsory EducationCore CompetencyHistory TeachingReading LiteracyHistorical Consciousness
刊名 思與言  
期數 201809 (56:3期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣大眾文化中呈現的歷史認識:以漫畫為中心(1945-1990)
該期刊-下一篇 文本、文本閱讀與歷史教學:兼論溫伯格的閱讀理論




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