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The Ideology and Politics of the Chinese Translation of Fifty Years in China by John Leighton Stuart
作者 李明哲
文化操縱學派認為,翻譯文學可能與譯入語其他並存系統(如政治制度) 產生連繫,從而採取特定的規範、行為和政策,生產出為政治意識形態服務的 作品,所有翻譯都是為了服務某種目的而操縱原文。當翻譯活動受到譯者或贊 助者的政治意識形態所宰制,這類被統治階層劃分為合法的經典化文學,往往 與歷史上的重大事件或特殊的時空背景擁有密不可分的關係。司徒雷登的《在 華五十年》回憶錄,翔實記載了擔任美國駐華大使的他,於1946 到1952 年間, 在中國大陸目睹的重大政、軍、外交事件的印象和評論,以及他對中國政界人 物的看法。他對國共兩黨的評價各有褒貶,甚至對共產黨部分作為深表同情與 讚揚,然而他卻對共產黨的意識形態嗤之以鼻。有鑑於此,臺灣中譯本很快就 獲得出版機會,中國大陸則遲至1982 年。本論文旨在探討主導《在華五十年》 中譯本出版的政治意識形態,並由譯文分析得出若干結論。
Manipulation theorists assume that translated literature can be correlated with other “co-systems” of the target culture, including the political system, given its attempt to adopt specific norms or policies so as to be subservient to the dominant political ideology. From this perspective, all translations are thought to deploy a certain degree of manipulation of the source text for a specific purpose. When translations are subject to the constraints of the ideologies of the translators or patrons in order to fit the target culture, the translated work will be categorized by the ruling class as being a legitimate member of this culture’s literary canon. This phenomenon is usually inseparable from major historical contexts. John Leighton Stuart’s memoir, Fifty Years in China, is not only a faithful account of what he had witnessed as former U.S. ambassador to China from 1946 to 1952, but it also records the major political, military and diplomatic occurrences in China along with his commentary on influential Chinese political figures. As a steadfast disciple of democratism, Stuart often expresses his sympathy with the Communist Party while at the same time making clear his detestation of Communist doctrines. Thus, while the Chinese translation of his memoir quickly appeared in Taiwan, unsurprisingly it was not until 1982 had it obtained approval for publication in China. This paper looks closely at the dominant political ideologies and different forms of patronage that made possible the Chinese translation of Fifty Years in China.
起訖頁 029-058
關鍵詞 司徒雷登在華五十年意識形態翻譯改寫John Leighton StuartFifty Years in Chinaideologytranslationmanipulation
刊名 編譯論叢  
期數 201903 (12:1期)
出版單位 國家教育研究院
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣日語文學翻譯發展之現況與議題-以國立臺灣文學館出版品為中心
該期刊-下一篇 數位化時代深度翻譯在《茶經》翻譯中的創新應用




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