中文摘要 |
本研究以因E P A協定來日的印尼與菲律賓籍護士(此後以E P A候補護士稱呼)為對象,觀察她們在日本醫療機關中,如何在職場環境中學習日語以及其語言社會化過程,以民族誌的一部分,進行為期一年的實地考察。本研究以情境學習論的觀點為基準,著眼於她們在日本的醫院參與實踐社群的過程中,以及日本的生活中維持、或改變其複雜的身份認同。本文特別針對契約期間遭中途解約歸國的兩個人的案例,藉由從受雇醫院得到的實地考察、錄影和採訪,來考察E P A結構,對於她們語言社會化過程的影響,以及試論今後醫療體系該如何接納這些候補護士們的方向。
This study is a part of larger project that investigated the language socialization processes of Indonesian and Filipino nurses who came to Japan under the country’s Economic Partnership Agreements (EPA) with Indonesia and the Philippines. Data include observation and video or audio recordings of their interactions, interviews with the EPA nurses and their Japanese mentors and colleagues, as well as various artifacts collected from a year-long fieldwork in a hospital in Japan. Drawing upon the concept of situated learning and community of practice, the study demonstrates how EPA nurses negotiate their identities, competencies, and participation in their everyday practice at their workplace as determined by the EPA-based scheme. |