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探討移動中的「日本」──從和製漢語到台灣所使用的日本借用語(Researching shifting Japan from the translated words: From Waseikango until the loanword of Japanese using in Taiwan)
作者 林寄雯
翻譯語的魅力在於「翻譯語是提供新知識的一種難懂又看似高級」的語言。魯迅揭示「硬譯」這樣的翻譯方法,藉由採用原文的表達,來豐富中文的語彙。此外,谷崎潤一郎提到漢語是外語,「漢語比純粹的大和語言,更易感受外國情趣,無形中表現出高級」(文章讀本)。谷崎潤一郎說明了明治初年,日本在受到西歐語言這些異質語系的衝擊時,所面臨的實情。這次研討會的主題為移動中的「日本」,筆者個人將探討的方向,集中在日語以及日本文化融入的過程。這個過程是目標文化藉由異質的文本來使語言更加豐富的過程。本論文將就日本創造的和製漢語反向輸入中國,還有近年來台灣大量借用日語的現象進行考察。當今,多文化溝通能力的啟發備受矚目,漢字是台灣、日本還有中國大陸共同使用的文字,期望藉由翻譯讓彼此的相互理解邁向新的層樓。 The charm of translated words is to know the difficult, high grade language newly (Yanabu Akira said). As Lo-Xun unveiled, the「hard translation(硬訳)」method appeals directly using original expression to enrich the Chinese vocabulary. Also, Tanizaki Junichiro expressed, when an original Chinese word compares to the pure yamato otoba(大和言葉), it is relatively easy to feel exotic, and sounds something modish (from bunshyou yomihon ). He also reminisced that it is just the actual condition to face the western language, the heterogeneous language system in the early years of Meiji era. Shifting Japan as the theme of this symposium, I will focus on the process of accepting Japanese or Japanese culture, and the process of the target culture which was enriched by the heterogeneous text. This paper studied from waseikango(和製漢語) that made by Japan reimporting to China until the phenomenon of using Japanese abundantly in Taiwan recently. Nowadays, training of multi-culture communication ability is emphasized. Kanji as the common item, we expect the new mutual understanding of the translation around Taiwan, Japanese and main-land China.
起訖頁 117-138
關鍵詞 翻譯語和製漢語台語借用語語彙translated wordsWaseikangoloanwordTaiwanese Hokkienvocabulary
刊名 淡江日本論叢  
期數 201512 (32期)
出版單位 淡江大學日本語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 経済連携協定で来日した外国人看護師候補者のアイデンティティ–看護師、妻、母としての選択–
該期刊-下一篇 吉田修一の『路』における台湾–ジェンダーと歴史を通して読む–




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