中文摘要 |
比較世界文明的日本文學作家芥川龍之介(1892-1927)與川端康成(1899-1972)一生的境遇,意外發現有許多的共通點。再者;從本身創作的文章上常常提到芥川來看,亦可以看出川端是非常注意芥川文學動態。又加諸本來就對兒童作文此課題非常關心,本身又有不少少年・少女小説創作的川端,理所當然也應該會關注在日本近代兒童文學史上留下光輝一頁的芥川兒童文學作品。於是;透過兒童文學的創作來探討芥川與川端間的關係,可謂是當急之務。經各自釐清8 部芥川的兒童文學作品與14 部川端的兒童文學作品特色之後,發現兩者間是有不同的。芥川是以人類擁有的自我主義為基礎而創作兒童文學。而川端則以人類擁有的善意為基礎而創作兒童文學作品。雖有此差異但兩者並非一直平行而下沒有交集。其實兩位有名的文學家的創作主題,不因兒童文學的創作形式而改變,與其他文學創作形式的作品是一脈相傳的。於是,在此發生了文學形式分類的必要性,須持續至何時的問題。像芥川或川端那麼有名的作家,創作了無數的文學作品,如果依文學形式分類來閱讀的話,當然對於初學者是像類似一本導覽在手,方便進入狀況。然而隨著讀者閱讀作品數量的增加,反而會因為文學形式分類來牽絆閱讀的自由。以階段性來重新思考文學形式分類的意義,亦是本論文透過考察後所得的結論之一。
There are a lot of common denominators in circumstances forAkutagawa Ryunosuke (1892-1927) and Kawabata Yasunari (1899-1972)of a famous Japanese literature person worldwide. Kawabata was alwaysconscious of existence of Akutagawa literature. Kawabata had theinterest in child's composition and created a boy and a girl novel.Comparison of Kawabata and Akutagawa judging from the angle of thejuvenile literature is one of interesting problems.So this research has chosen Akutagawa's 8 works and 1 Kawabata's 4works as a subject of research and has made each characteristic clear. Asa result, Akutagawa drew the egoism man has, but Kawabata was drawingthe good will man has. But this feature often becomes reverse to otherworks. This result will show a problem until when the genre as frame inliterally study needs. The genre will be the guide book which enters awork. But when we depend on a sketch and a guide book forever, thedanger of stereotype-ization is increasing in literally study. |