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A Survey of Translation and Interpretation Curricula in Taiwan: Faculty and Objectives
作者 陳子瑋林慶隆彭致翎林俊宏
本研究探討臺灣大專校院教師對於翻譯課程教學的觀點,調查範圍廣納全臺開設翻譯課程之大專校院系所,研究透過電子、紙本問卷調查及焦點團體訪談方式進行。臺灣101 學年度175 所大專校院中,計有112 個系所開設翻譯相關課程,總課程數達1,055 門。研究結果發現,授課教師以專任助理教授為最多,且多為大班課程。由於學生人數過多,硬體資源缺乏,加上為配合學校,中文母語教師常需支援譯入外語之課程,致使教師面臨不少困境。課程目標方面,教師需針對學生程度調整,因而雖名為翻譯課程,但多數教師仍以培養學生外語能力為主,除了翻譯研究所層級,鮮少能真正訓練翻譯技巧,培育專業譯者。
The purpose of this study is to look at the development of translation and interpretation (T&I) education in Taiwan. Currently, there are 112 departments in a total of 175 universities/colleges in Taiwan offering up to 1,055 T&I courses. A questionnaire was sent to all teachers of T&I courses. The results show that most universities/colleges now offer full-time positions other than part-time positions for T&I teachers according to a 2004 survey. In addition, a large portion of the courses surveyed have big classes with many students in each class. Lecturers face challenges such as too many students in each class (for practical courses such as T&I ), insufficient hardware support, and predetermined course objectives. Moreover, as there are not enough instructors who are native speaker of other languages, the Mandarin-speaking instructors often have to teach the courses that focus on translating Mandarin into another language. Last but not least, because of students' lack of second language ability, many undergraduate T&I classes are far from teaching translation and interpretation skills but actually used as a part of second laguage learning.
起訖頁 83-120
關鍵詞 翻譯課程口譯筆譯translation and interpretation curriculainterpretationtranslation
刊名 編譯論叢  
期數 201703 (10:1期)
出版單位 國家教育研究院
該期刊-上一篇 譯者即作者--論作家雅可對泰譯《金瓶梅》的操縱
該期刊-下一篇 初探大學口譯教學中之知識提升--個案研究




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