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Images of the Sweet Potato in Early Taiwanese Poetry: Origins, Environment, and Social Functions
作者 倪仲俊
Sifting through the descriptions of sweet potatoes in early Taiwanese poetry, this paper attempts to explain how early elites on Taiwan understood the origins, environment, and social functions of sweet potatoes. The meaning and value of this crop may be seen against the background of the introduction of New World crops to Taiwan and the rest of East Asia after the voyages of Christopher Columbus. Firstly, these poems regard the sweet potato as a kind of foreign food plant, with a good taste and beneficial social functions. The sweet potato became so important because the early settlers utilized sweet potatoes as their staple food. However, the sweet potato's image gradually declined with lower prices and came to be associated with poverty, due to its capacity for high yields on poor land. Next, when the early settlers moving from China to Taiwan were able to use sweet potatoes, they also reinforced their ability to survive in a wild, harsh environment. As the poems show, the early Taiwanese settlers brought sweet potatoes to Taiwan and exploited Taiwan's lands to the utmost. Such a process could be part of a wider picture, in which the introduction of highly productive New World crops encouraged Chinese to enthusiastically open up uncultivated areas which were too marginal to be sustainable. Finally, even though the understanding of how to use sweet potatoes in Taiwanese immigrant society was influenced by their original homeland in China, sweet potatoes actually came to Taiwan by two different routes, one directly and one from the settlers’ original homeland in China, so Taiwan was directly connected to a newly developed global network that came into being during the age of Navigation.
起訖頁 3-51
關鍵詞 番薯食物想像哥倫布大交換sweet potatoimages of foodNew World crops
刊名 中國飲食文化  
期數 201604 (12:1期)
出版單位 財團法人中華飲食文化基金會
該期刊-下一篇 吳元勝家族與臺北沙茶火鍋業的變遷(1950-1980年代)




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