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新校長創新作為的行動實例   全文下載 全文下載
Examples of Actions for Innovation of a New Principal
作者 焦熙昌
This study relates to a principal who wants to lead the school to keep up with the times to avoid being eliminated by the social environment. The heavy burden for operating this old school causes the researcher to deeply explore, adopt innovative leadership strategies, and actually push for school management innovation and rebuilding. In the meantime, the researcher acting as an action researcher role starts dialogue with the various relevant members, hoping to lead the members embarked on the road of performance through wisdom and actions. The researcher applies innovative strategies on the school organization and development and obtained a positive outcome, and now with the hope to explain the course of utilizing innovative strategies and share the experiences, so as to offer school leaders interesting in the promotion of innovative strategies for the reference of school management.
起訖頁 120-140
關鍵詞 行動研究創新策略校慶action researchinnovation strategyschool celebrate
刊名 學校行政  
期數 201311 (88期)
出版單位 社團法人中華民國學校行政研究學會
該期刊-上一篇 應用結構方程模式探討學校ICT運用與學生學習表現之關係
該期刊-下一篇 新北市國小多元活化課程及其政策轉型決定模式之探討




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