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數學自我效能與數學能力之性別差異:PISA 2022資料分析
Gender Disparities in Mathematics Self-efficacy and Proficiency: Insights from PISA 2022 Data Analysis
作者 魏如慧
本研究使用PISA 2022評量資料,分析台灣學生的數學自我效能是否存在性別差異,以及此差異是否來自於數學能力之性別差異。研究結果發現,在數學自我效能的兩個指標上,皆呈現顯著的性別差異。然而,在數學能力的兩大向度與八個子構面上,不同性別的學生皆無顯著差異;可知台灣學生數學自我效能的性別差異並非來自於客觀的數學能力性別差異。進一步的相關分析與迴歸分析結果顯示數學能力與性別皆和學生數學自我效能具顯著相關,但在數學能力與數學自我效能的相關性上,不同性別學生的相關性並無顯著差異。本研究建議學校行政與教師合作,加強學生對數學在各種不同領域應用的認識、使學生能接觸各領域的傑出女性及其數學素養的發揮,以協助台灣學生數學自我效能的培養並促進性別平等。
This study utilizes data from the PISA 2022 assessment to investigate whether gender disparities persist in mathematical self-efficacy among Taiwanese students. Specifically, we explore whether these differences stem from variations in mathematical proficiency. The research findings reveal significant gender differences in both indicators of mathematical self-efficacy. However, when examining mathematical proficiency, no sig¬nificant disparities are observed between female and male students. Con¬sequently, it can be inferred that gender differences in mathematical self-efficacy among Taiwanese students do not arise from objective variations in mathematical proficiency. Further regression analysis demonstrates that both mathematical proficiency and gender significantly correlate with students’mathematical self-efficacy, while no significant differences in the correlation between mathematical proficiency and mathematical self-efficacy across different genders. Based on these analytical results, we recommend increased attention to fostering students’mathematical self-efficacy to promote gender equality in mathematics education.
起訖頁 118-130
關鍵詞 數學自我效能數學能力性別國際學生能力評量計畫PISAmathematics self-efficacymathematics proficiencygenderPISA
刊名 學校行政  
期數 202405 (151期)
出版單位 社團法人中華民國學校行政研究學會
該期刊-上一篇 學校主管僕人式領導特質自我評估調查問卷之信效度分析
該期刊-下一篇 教育研究應用SPSS分析AHP-express(下)




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