臺灣社會工作學刊 Taiwanese Social Work |
202312 (26期)期所有篇 |
- 家有精神疾病的父母:探討兒少照顧者社會烙印與孤獨感及對未來的選擇 Families where a parent has mental illness: exploring young carers experiencing social stigma and loneliness and how they face their future choice
- 臺灣兒少保護親屬安置決策因素探索──決策生態架構檢視 Kinship Care Placement Decision Making in Taiwan: An Examination of Decision Making Ecology Framework
- 探究社區中囤積儲物議題下社會工作者的角色 Exploring the Roles of Social Workers Working for the Hoarders in the Community
- 遭受網路性剝削少女的處境與防制工作:以性別與年齡交織觀點分析 The Situation and Prevention of Online Sexual Exploited Girls: An Analytical Approach of Intersectionality of Gender and Age