臺灣社會工作學刊 Taiwanese Social Work |
201401 (13期)期所有篇 |
- 社區基層行政與服務人員對新移民與其家人的描繪:反壓迫實施的觀點 Local Administrators' and Service Providers' Discursive Constructions of Taiwan-South Asia Cross-border Marriages Involving Female Immigrants: The Perspective of Anti-oppressive Social Work
- 兒少手足共同安置於團體家庭之工作經驗探討 Working Experiences with Taiwanese Young Siblings in a Child Group Home
- 整合社工處遇與修復式司法協助家暴成人保護個案之實務經驗省思──以台南市女權會為例 The Reflection on an Integrated Implementation of Social Work and Restorative Justice Treatment for Adult Victims in the Domestic Violence, illustrated by the Tainan Women's Rights Association
- 正向觀點的社工督導關係--以保護性業務為例 Supervisory Relationship of Protective Social Work in Positive Perspective