《莊子》中的差異政治觀 The Political Views on Difference in Zhuangzi
茅山道教與顧況詩歌之關係 The Relationship Between Maoshan Taoism and the Poetry of Gu Kuang
晚明《詩經》名物學草木類之博物學要素──以日本江戶時期同類著作參 The Botanical Elements of Onomastics Based on Shijing in the Late Ming Dynasty: With Reference to Similar Works from the Edo Period in Japan
君師之間──晚明思想場中的歐洲教宗制 Between Monarch and Master: Literati’s Diverse Interpretations of the Pope in Late Ming China
抒情的兩種政治──陳世驤與保釣運動 Two Kinds of Lyrical Politics: Chen Shih-Hsiang and the Baodiao Movement
黃侃《爾雅音訓》「一語」術語及其轉注與同源詞理論探討 The Term“Yiyu”一語in Huang Kan’s Erya yinxun and His Theories on Mutual Explanatories and Cognates
《安南國譯語》所反映的近代漢語聲母現象 Phenomena Concerning the Initial System in Early Mandarin as Reflected in Annanguo Yiyu