英文摘要 |
The present article aims to analyze the political views on difference in Zhuangzi莊子. Firstly, I indicate that when facing the cultural decline of the Zhou dynasty, the various schools of thought primarily had two methods to resolve the matter: constructing a unified view and politics of difference, the latter to which Zhuangzi belongs. Secondly, through a textual analysis, I show Zhuangzi believes that in order to restore order in the world, it is necessary to respect diversity and follow the will of the people within political workings. The politics of difference in Zhuangzi are demonstrated in several steps: first, presenting the political dilemma as seen by Zhuangzi; secondly, exploring how Zhuangzi confirms its political views from a perspective of diversity; and finally, discussing the harmony and characteristics brought about by the politics of difference. Regarding the first point, Zhuangzi contains many chapters that explore the social problems caused by reducing differences, which is an issue produced by the view of unification. In the second part, I point out that maintaining differences is the basic principle for social harmony in the eyes of Zhuangzi, which is achieved through weakening the will of rulers and following the will of the people in practical political operations. Rulers should respect different lifestyles, and the formulation of political systems should be based on the needs of the people. Concerning the final point, I reveal that a harmonious society with differences can achieve mutual love, help, and self-restraint to prevent harm to others. The spirit of a harmonious society in Zhuangzi is similar to the concept of“team spirit,”in which members of a group are willing to restrain their individual will for a common goal that can be realized through cooperation. This article argues that if this concept is applied to Zhuangzi, one can note that the people of the time believed that only by cooperating with one another could they maintain social stability. |