「予欲無言」--《論語》中的論辯與孔子對「言」的態度 “I Would Prefer Not to Speak”: On Argumentation in The Analects and Confucius’s Attitude toward Speech/Language
從語言、社會面向解讀荀子的「化性起偽」說 On Xunzi’s Transformation and Development of Human Nature: From the View of Language and Social Aspects
六朝道教三一論的興起與轉折--以存思技法為線索 The Rise and Transition of the Daoist Sanyi Lun (the Theory of Three Ones) during the Six Dynasties Period: As Reflected in Visualization Techniques
金代漢族士人的地域分布--以政治參與為中心的考察 The Regional Distribution of Chinese Literati in the Jin Dynasty: As Based on Political Participation
黃宗羲對泰州學派歷史形象的重構--以《明儒學案》〈顏鈞傳〉的文本檢討為例 Huang Zongxi’s Reconstruction of the Tai Zhou School’s Historical Image: A Case Study of Textual Problems in the Biography of Yan Jun in Mingru Xuean
李光地之卦主理論及卦主釋《易》論析 On Li Guangdi’s Theory of Guazhu and His Interpretation of Yijing on the Basis of This Guazhu Theory
歧舌國的不傳之密--從《李氏音鑑》、《鏡花緣》反思當前漢語音韻學的傳播 The Secret of the Forked-Tongue Kingdom: An Examination of the Circulation of Chinese Phonology Based on Lishi Yinjian and Jinghuayuan
從認知語言學角度探討臺灣閩南語「食ciah8」的多義性 The Polysemy of ciah8 and Its Argument Structure in the Taiwanese Southern Min Dialect