英文摘要 |
This paper analyzes two versions of Chang Kuo-pin’s 張國賓tsa-chü 雜劇 “Hsüeh Jen-kuei, Clad in Brocade, Returns to his Home-Village” (Hsüeh Jen-kuei i-chin huan-hsiang 薛仁貴衣錦還鄉) in the Yüan printing, and “Hsüeh Jen-kuei Returns in Glory to his Native Village” (Hsüeh Jen-kuei jungkuei ku-li 薛仁貴榮歸故里) in the Yüan-chü Hsüan 元曲選 edition, showing their major differences in text and style. It also explores how the context of the Ming Court and Tsang Mau-hsün’s 臧懋循 concept of reader-orientation affects his adaptation. This paper is a primary attempt at explaining the transition of Yüan tsa-chü 元雜劇 from the Yüan dynasty to the Ming. |