全球客家研究 Global Hakka Studies |
202211 (19期)期所有篇 |
- 臺灣海陸客語單字調調值之聲學研究 Acoustic Study of Taiwanese Hailu Hakka Tone Values in Isolation
- 幼兒園客語沉浸教學檢核表發展與應用 Development and Application of a Hakka Immersion Teaching Strategy Checklist
- AI客語諺語學習型對話機器人服務設計 Design of Artificial Intelligence Hakka Chatbot Service
- 夥房家族空間的再建構:邱添貴派下夥房保存為例 Reconstruction of the Hakka Family Space : A case of the Preservation of Meinung Kiu Tiam Gui's Fo Fong
- 臺灣客家調查研究的回憶 Memories of Investigating and Researching Hakka Regions in Taiwan
- 儀式與慈善中的族群邊界:關於東南亞墳山組織與萬緣會的再思考 Ethnic Boundaries in Ritual and Charity—Rethinking the Organization of Ceremonies through Wanyuanhui in Southeast Asia