全球客家研究 The Study of Redesignate National Hakka Day as Memorial day
文化遺產保育的政治過程:新竹新瓦屋客家文化保存區個案研究 Political Process of Cultural Heritage Preservation: A Case Study of the New Tile House Hakka Cultural District in Hsinchu
析辨閩、臺漳州平和裔家族的族群背景:語言使用、族譜紀錄、自我認同之三重證據法 Distinguishing Ethnic Backgrounds of Pinghe Descendants in Fujian and Taiwan: Triple Proves of Language Use, Pedigrees, and Self-identification
賀州客家生態博物館:從空間論思考「活的博物館」 Hakka Eco-museum in Hezhou: Spatial Perspective on a ''Living Museum''