師大學報 Journal of National Taiwan Normal University |
202209 (67:2期)期所有篇 |
- 在文化競爭中建立國族:1947-1948年在皇家藝術學院舉辦的「印度藝術」展覽 Constructing the Nation Through Cultural Contest: The Royal Academy Exhibition of “Indian Art”, 1947-1948
- 大開發展覽:平民住宅和南亞後殖民現代化的呈現 The Great Development Exhibition: Mass Housing and the Representation of Postcolonial Modernity in South Asia
- 明清文人裝潢書籍動機之探討 The Motivation and Connotations of Bookbinding and Book Adornment among the Ming and Qing Literati
- 從越名任心到通物盡言—當代視域下重探嵇康〈釋私論〉的意義轉向 From “Surmounting Scholasticism by Following Nature” to “Making Self-Other Connections”: A Contemporary Study of Ji Kang’s Shishilun
- 臺灣地方社會研究的新視野:評介《成為池上:地方的可能性》 A New Perspective on Local Social Studies of Taiwan: Book Review about Making Chihshang: The Possibility of Place