中央研究院近代史研究所集刊 Bulletin of the Institute of Modern History Academia Sinica
202103 (111期)期所有篇
從耶穌會的羅馬聖母聖像看中國聖母的特質及其世界史脈絡 The Characteristics of the Virgin Mary in China and Its World-Historical Context: The Madonna Icon in the Santa Maria Maggiore
稅收、價格與華洋商人:經濟危機下的捲煙稅制(1929-1937) Taxes, Prices, and Local and Foreign Merchants:The Cigarette Tax System during the Great Depression, 1929-1937
鍾焓,《清朝史的基本特徵再探究:以對北美「新清史」觀點的反思為中心》 Zhong Han, A Re-Examination of the Basic Features of Qing History: Reflections on the “New Qing History” in North America