中央研究院近代史研究所集刊 Bulletin of the Institute of Modern History Academia Sinica
201609 (92期)期所有篇
清代初中期作為產業的蘇州版畫與其商業面向 Art as Commodity: The Commercial Aspects of Suzhou Single-Sheet Prints in the Early and Middle Qing Dynasty
中國貿易與利潤分配:英國東印度公司廣州商館職員的薪資與福利(1786-1834) China Trade and Profit Distribution: The Salaries and Benefits of the Canton Factory Staff of the English East India Company, 1786-1834
抗戰時期的統制經濟與國營事業──以廣西紡織機械工廠為例 War-Time State-Owned Enterprises: The Guangxi Textile Machinery Factory, 1938-1945