中央研究院近代史研究所集刊 Bulletin of the Institute of Modern History Academia Sinica
201506 (88期)期所有篇
國家與群眾:北京市城區基層街道體制的建設,1949-1962 State and Masses: The Building and Evolution of a Basic Street Institution in Beijing, 1949-1962
清代「省友」初探 Preliminary Research on “Provincial Friends” in the Qing Dynasty
一種公民建築的產生:晚清和民國早期中國圖書館話語與實踐 The Emergence of a Civic Architecture: Discourses and Practices of Public Libraries in Late Qing and Early Republican China
「明治知識」與殖民地臺灣政治:「國民性」論述與1920年代前的同化政策 “Meiji Knowledge” and the Politics of Colonial Taiwan: The Discourse of “National Character” and the Policy of Assimilation before the 1920s