商略學報 International Journal of Commerce and Strategy
201806 (10:2期)期所有篇
國際化策略與子公司通路承諾之關係分析 An Analysis of International Strategy and Subsidiary Channel Commitment
以行銷策略視角探討消費者對電信服務契約轉換決策之後悔程度 A Manipulation of Switching Telecommunication Service Contract Decision on Consumer Regret: From the View of Marketing Strategy
電視購物中,個人因素與行銷策略對衝動購買迫切性之影響 Effects of Individual Factors and Marketing Strategies on Impulsive Buying Urge in TV Shopping
護理人員的人力資源策略:嚴謹性與神經質人格特質對病人安全的正面影響 Human Resource Strategies for Nurses: The Positive Impact of Conscientiousness and Neuroticism on Patient Safety