政大史粹 Collectanea of History NCCU |
201306 (24期)期所有篇 |
- 皇帝節儉利民乎?節儉與唐代後半期的財政構造 Does Emperor's frugality benefit to the common people?A dimension of financial history on Tang Dynasty
- 農村復興委員會與農村政經秩序重整的嘗試(1933-1936) Attempts to Reconstruct the Rural Political and Economic Order on Commission of Rural Reconstruction (1933-1936)
- 李志綏《毛澤東私人醫生回憶錄》史事糾謬:以中共「八大」和整風反右為中心的歷史考察 The Rectification of Errors of Historical Events in the Private Life of Chairman Mao: the Memoirs of Mao's Personal Physician by Li Zhisui: an Historical Investigation Based on the Eighth National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Rectification Campaigns and the Anti-Rightist Struggles