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Attempts to Reconstruct the Rural Political and Economic Order on Commission of Rural Reconstruction (1933-1936)
作者 張智瑋 (Chih-Wei Chang)
Since the 1930’s, China's rural social and political instability as well as the impact of the Great Depression, leading to the collapse of the rural political and economic order. Meanwhile, in order to save rural crashes, various non-governmental organizations have also established. And the same time, the revival of rural to become the social forces and political parties competing for an important field, namely ideas from theoretical and practical work in rural areas to reach the renovation of rural areas and farmers, restoration rural social order, to save the bankrupt rural economy. Thereby hoping to find a suitable Chinese transition from a traditional agricultural society, the transition to a modern society on the road , and reach to the purposes that save the nation and make the country wealthy. Therefore, the Nationalist government established Commission of Rural Reconstruction in 1933, trying to improve agricultural technology and policy planning, etc., integrated agricultural policy institutions belong to the government and each of the parties. However, due to the Commission of Rural Reconstruction which it's lacking the power of policy implementation, and for the actual implementation of policy, can not exercise enough influence over impact. At the same time, when the Commission of Rural Reconstruction after its inception which the orientation is uncertain and many factors plagued by financial difficulties, and thus only a short working two years. During the actual operation, the problems of rural research and make specific policy recommendations, and finishing in agricultural policy and farming organizations, as well as a modern rural financial aspects of the abolition of conduct and other exactions have a more concrete results. Meanwhile, the rural survey is the first organized in the name of national institutions started to become an important beginning for large-scale social surveys and national statistics, the data also have a certain reference value, not only for rural policy formulation and study provides important reference is also specifically provides further observation was piping rural society, rural political and economic order in order to offer a positive development.
起訖頁 49-82
關鍵詞 國民政府農村復興農業政策鄉村建設運動Nationalist GovernmentRural ReconstructionAgricultural PolicyRural Construction Movement
刊名 政大史粹  
期數 201306 (24期)
出版單位 國立政治大學歷史學系
該期刊-上一篇 皇帝節儉利民乎?節儉與唐代後半期的財政構造
該期刊-下一篇 李志綏《毛澤東私人醫生回憶錄》史事糾謬:以中共「八大」和整風反右為中心的歷史考察




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