西燕政權結構、戰略目標與其興衰關係──以立國初期(西元三八四~三八六)為研究中心 The Political Structure, Strategic Aims, and the Relations between the Rise and Decline of the Xi-yan 西燕 Regime: From the Perspective of Its Early Years since Its Establishment, 384-386 A.D
日治時期台灣「建國祭愛馬行進」、「愛馬日」及「軍馬祭」的形成與進行(1936-1945) The Formation and Implement of “Horse March in New Era Inauguration Festival,” “Horse Day” and “Military Horse Memorial Day” in Taiwan Under Japanese Rule, 1936-1945
新馬地區的媽祖信仰與移民社會 Ma-zu Faith and Emigrant Society in Singapore and Malaysia Area
《新青年》與《學衡》引介新知的量化分析 A Survey on the Introducing New Knowledge of Hsin ch'ing-nien and Hsüeh-heng