從聲腔曲韻到器樂語境:《變體孟姜女》的互文背景及再語境化歷程論析 Adaptations of Folk Songs to Instrumental Music: On the Intertextuality and Recontextualization in Variations on Meng Jiangnu
重探齊馬諾夫斯基《四首歌曲——選自泰戈爾《園丁集》文字》:作品起源、音樂與詩文關係及意義 On the Genesis and the Relationships between Poetic Text and Musical Techniques in Karol Szymanowski’s Vier Gesänge—Worte aus“Der Gärtner”von Rabindranath Tagore
蛻變與跨越:一位音樂資優生之生涯敘說研究 Transformation and Transcendence: The Personal Narrative of a Musically Gifted Student
二十四節令鼓在馬來西亞和中國敲響兩地全球本土的淵源 Twenty-Four Drums, Two Lands: Performing Glocalization of the 24 Festive Drums in Malaysia and China