形神分離之後:唐代對於死亡及葬後靈魂與形骸關係的想像 After the Separation of Soul from Body: The Imagination of Death in the Tang Dynasty
《建炎以來繫年要錄》的金國記事――以金人死亡時間為線索的觀察 The Records about the Jin Dynasty in Jianyan Yilai Xinian Yaolu: An Observation by Using the Death Times of the Jin People as a Clue
游於藝:奕繪與天學 A Playful Mind: I-Hui and the Learning from Heaven
藝術政治化:1960-1970年代臺灣省立博物館的特種展覽 The Politicization of Art: Special Exhibitions in the Taiwan Provincial Museum from the 1960s to 1970s