1908:黃禍論的一年--中、德、英三國文本的比較 1908, A Year of Yellow Peril-A Comparative Study of Chinese, German, and English Texts
日治時期臨時臺灣戶口調查之開展及其意涵(1905~1915) The Unfolding and Significance of the Temporary Taiwan Household Investigation in Japanese Taiwan (1905-1915)
日記所見日治時期臺灣人的「打麻雀」--以吳新榮等人的經驗為中心 Diary Presented the 'Mahjong' Meanings during Japanese Colonial Period of Taiwanese: Wu Xinrong and Other's Experiences as the Central Issue
保護主義與臺灣油輪航運業的發展 The Protectionism and the Development of Tanker Industry in Taiwan
集中與分權:1960年代前期北京市郊區農村基層政權的演變 Centralization and Decentralization: The Evolution of Rural Basic Level Regime in the Suburb of Beijing in the Early 1960s
研究臺灣:解嚴後臺灣的「本土」學院政治 Studying Taiwan: The Academic Politics of Bentu in Post-authoritarian Taiwan