「真愛要等待」教學效果研究--針對國二學生兩性交往為基礎的性教育課程計劃 An evaluation of Sex Can Wait: A heterosexual relationship-based sexuality education program for 8th grade students
國中生飲酒者與未飲酒者在生活狀況上之比較研究 The comparison of drinkers' and non-drinkers' life style in junior high schools
臺北市公立國中學生求醫行為之相關因素研究 The medical care seeking behavior and its influential determinants of junior high school students in Taipei city
社區健康媒體之發展與評價--健康訊息傳播與社會行銷策略探討 Development and evaluation of a community health campaign program: Use of the strategies of health information processing and social marketing
都市國小學童身體活動及其影響因素之研究 Determinants of physical activity in urban primary school children
學校噪音與教師授課音量、嗓音健康及其聽覺徵候變化之相關研究 A relationship study on the school noise and teachers' teaching voice loudness, vocal health, and acoustic signs change
社會網絡和原、漢青少年飲酒行為 Social network and adolescent drinking behavior between aborigines and hans