消費者純正性需要概念建構與量表建置之研究 Consumer Need for Authenticity: Conceptualization and Scale Development
以自發性導引法再探虛擬世界中的沉浸體驗 Exploring the Flow Experience in the Virtual World by the Auto-driving Method
社群參與之活化 The Activation of the Social Media Participation
重新省思「自我控制」:目標時間距離、個人時間導向與調節焦點的互動影響 Rethinking Self-Control: How It Interacts with Goal Temporal Distance, Individual Time Orientation and Regulatory Focus
回歸美好年代:經濟不安全感對懷舊訴求廣告效果的促進作用 Back to the Golden Age: When Economic Insecurity Enhances the Effectiveness of Nostalgic Appeal
如何讓線上顧客更忠誠?顧客感恩的中介效果 How Can Online Customers Be More Loyal? The Mediating Effect of Customer Gratitude
連鎖便利商店之社群媒體分析:探討媒介特質與行銷訴求對於顧客參與行為之影響 Social Media Analytics for Convenience Stores: The Effects of Media Characteristics and Marketing Appeals on Customer Engagement
追隨廠商如何回應領導廠商之競爭性行動?多重市場接觸的調節效果 How do Followers Respond to the Leader's Competitive Actions? The Moderating Effect of Multimarket Contact