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Rethinking Self-Control: How It Interacts with Goal Temporal Distance, Individual Time Orientation and Regulatory Focus
作者 江宜芳王仕茹黃恆獎
Relatively little research has addressed how an individual's self-control behavior is affected by the temporal distance of pursued goals, time orientation, and regulatory focus. In this study, a between-subject 2(future- vs. present-oriented) x 2(promotion- vs. prevention-focus) x 2(near vs. far temporal distance) experimental design was formulated to test hypotheses about these relationships and explicate possible interactions amongst the manipulated variables using ANOVA. Findings show that future-oriented individuals pursuing a goal under a prevention focus frame exhibit higher levels of self-control than those with a promotion focus frame. In particular, a proximate goal reinforces self-control because low time resources make goals more salient. However, regulatory fit strategy and temporal distance exert no influence on perceived self-control of present-oriented individuals who prefer imminent gratification. Despite of the interaction effect between time orientation and regulatory focus on self-control, the influence fades as temporal distance increases. This paper concludes with discussion of the findings and its insights and implications to marketing
起訖頁 557-576
關鍵詞 知覺自我控制時間導向調節焦點時間距離目標追求self-controltime orientationregulatory focustemporal distancegoal pursuit
刊名 管理學報  
期數 201712 (34:4期)
出版單位 社團法人中華民國管理科學學會
該期刊-上一篇 社群參與之活化
該期刊-下一篇 回歸美好年代:經濟不安全感對懷舊訴求廣告效果的促進作用




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