管理學報 Journal of Management and Business Research |
200712 (24:6期)期所有篇 |
- 《孫子兵法》與西方策略管理思想之系統性比較 A Holistic Comparison between Sun Tzu’s Strategic Wisdom and Western Strategic Management Thoughts
- 華人中小企業的行銷研究:以臺灣研究經驗評價三階段脈絡分析法 Research into Chinese Small Firm Marketing: Evaluating the Contextual Stepwise Approach in Taiwan
- 日本的企業與照顧服務產業企業的發展動向與經營策略分析 Private Enterprises and Care Service Business in Japan: The Development Trends and Business Strategies of Private Enterprises
- 醫療提供者之行為策略--賽局理論之應用 Applying Game Theory to Analyze Health Care Providers’ Strategies under Global Budget
- 關係慣性與轉換障礙對「滿意度-顧客留存」關係之影響--以金融服務業為例 The Effects of Inertia and Switching Barriers on Satisfaction-Retention Relationship: A Case of Financial Service Industries
- 某政府機關績效管理制度之實證評估--平衡計分卡及層級分析法之利用 An Empirical Investigation of the Governmental Performance Management System: Using the Balanced Scorecard and the Analytic Hierarchy Process