管理學報 Journal of Management and Business Research |
200706 (24:3期)期所有篇 |
- 《道德經》領導智慧的現代意義--系統性的探索 Modern Implications of Leadership Wisdom from “Tao Te Ching” --A Systemic Approach
- 互動正義與組織承諾、組織公民行為:角色壓力之中介效果及領導行為之干擾效果 Interactional Justice, Organizational Commitment and Organizational Citizenship Behavior: The Mediation Effects of Role Stress and Moderation Effects of Leadership Behaviors
- 認知腳本失驗歸因過程:對等推論之干擾效果 An Attribution Process of Disconfirmation Cognitive Script on Consumer's Response: the Correspondence Inference Mechanism
- 關係品質與交叉購買:金融商品相似度與複雜度的雙重干擾效果 Relationship Quality and Cross-buying: The Dual Moderating Effects of Category Similarity and Complexity
- 基金績效持續與聰明錢效果:臺灣實證 Performance Persistemce amd Smart Money Effect: Evidence from Taiwan
- 直接投資實體不動產之組合分析:來自不良資產之實證 A Portfolio Analysis of Direct Real Estate Investment: Evidence from the Non-Performing Assets