東吳歷史學報 Soochow Journal of History |
201312 (30期)期所有篇 |
- 宋臣劉敞使遼的行程 The journey of the Song Dynasty's courtier Liu Chang as an ambassador to the Liao country
- 有情有義:清代民間秘密宗教情感史初探 Brotherhood: An Overview of the Ties in the Secret Folk Religions of the Qing Dynasty
- 想像的「朝貢記憶」與現實的「主權訴求」--1946-1948年坎巨提「內附」問題研究 Imaginary Tribute Memory and Real Sovereignty Demand: Kanjut's Allegiance with China, 1946-1948
- 偉大史家眼中的偉大歷史人物--徐復觀評蔣介石 A Great Historical Personage from the View-point of a Great Historian: Hsu Foo-kuan's Critique on Chiang Kai-shek