社會教育學刊 Bulletin of Adult & Continuing Education |
198706 (16期)期所有篇 |
- 成人教育的理論與模式發展初探 A Pliot Study on Theory and Model Development in Adult Education
- 從「工業社會」論到「管理社會」論:「現代社會」理論的回顧與批判 From Industrial Society to Administered Society--A Critical Study on the Theories of Modern Society
- 數學障礙兒童學習問題之研究 The Study of Children with Mathematical Disorders
- 自我導向的學習及其在成人教育上的意義 Self-directed Learning and Its Implication in Adult Education
- 成人教育的市場導向 Marketing in Adult Education
- 論以非正規教育作為發展的策略 Nonformal Education as a Development Strategy
- 中國機讀目錄檔與資訊網之建立 Information Network System With Special Reference to the Development Of the Chinese MARC
- 隔空教育理論之探討 An Overview of Distance Education Theories
- 我國國民中小學時事教育研究初探 An Explorative Study of Current Affairs Education in Compulsory Education
- 臺北市升大學補習班學生生活狀況調查研究 A Survey on the Life Adjustment of the Students In the Supplementary Schools in Taipei City
- 終身教育理念的社會學探討 The Conceptual Foundations of Lifelong Education: A Sociological Perspective