實驗學校文化本位數學補充式課程之發展 Constructing a Cultural-Based and Supplemental Mathematics Curriculum in an Experimental Elementary School
臺灣國小國語教科書的常用句型分析──語料庫為本的研究 Corpus-Based Examination of Sentence Structures in Taiwanese Elementary Mandarin Textbooks: Implications for Language Education
從菁英教育到普羅教育―英語文教科書歷史 Evolution of English curriculum: A longitudinal vocabulary study of English textbooks
德語作為外語教科書的社會符號學多模態解釋──基於所包含的文化表徵的視角 Social semiotic multimodal analysis of a German as a foreign language textbook: Unpacking cultural representations George Cremona