中華體育季刊 Quarterly of Chinese Physical Education |
202309 (37:3期)期所有篇 |
- 穿戴式科技應用於體育運動領域之系統性文獻回顧 The applications of wearable technologies in physical education and sport: A systematic literature review
- 影像動作辨識系統用於區分籃球動作技能與輔助判定爭議球的效益:系統性回顧 Effect of video action recognition system on differentiating basketball motor skills and assisting in determination of disputed balls: A systematic review
- 臺灣武術:教育、發展與國際學術趨勢 Taiwan martial arts: Education, development and international academic trends
- (後)疫情時代英國全民運動政策發展與因應策略 (Post) Covid-19 pandemic response strategies and policy emergence for sport-for-all in the UK
- 一生骨頭強化計劃──30歲之前以運動建立高峰骨質密度及骨質含量 Lifetime bone strengthening program-Building optimal bone mineral density and content through exercise before the age of
- 健康孕婦與下背和骨盆疼痛孕婦的步態 Gait in healthy pregnant women and pregnant women with low back and pelvic pain - A narrative review