中華體育季刊 Quarterly of Chinese Physical Education |
202109 (35:3期)期所有篇 |
- 臺灣運動管理學研究趨勢之探討──2012-2020 A study of research trends for Sports Management in Taiwan--2012-2020
- 中高齡者的阻力訓練:動作速度的影響 Resistance training for the middle-aged and older adults: Effects of movement velocity
- 探討腰椎穩定訓練對於慢性下背痛患者改善效益與訓練策略之系統性回顧 A systematic review of randomized controlled trials to investigate the effects and training strategies of lumbar stabilization training for patients with chronic low back pain
- 運動腦震盪對回場後下肢骨骼肌肉傷害之影響 Lower extremity musculoskeletal injury risk following Sport-related concussion and return to play
- 多物體追蹤任務與競技運動 Multiple object tracking and competitive sport
- 以擴散張量成像視角探討退役運動員腦震盪與腦白質結構之關聯:系統性文獻回顧 Effect of sport relation concussion on white matter in retired athletes from diffusion tensor imaging approach: A systematic review