教育經營與管理研究集刊 Bulletin of Educational Entrepreneurship and Management |
200501 (1期)期所有篇 |
- 海峽兩岸中、小學生創造思考之比較:班級及家庭創造氣氛之分析 A comparison on creative thinking in elementary and secondary schools students between Taiwan and Mainland China: An analysis on classroom and family creative climate
- 國民小學校長推動九年一貫課程教改政策時所遭遇的行政困難問題、因應方式及其意涵探討 The encountered difficulties, adaptive activities, and their implications for elementary school principals in implementing the new policy of 9-year curriculum reform
- 教師教學資訊素養與教學效能關係之研究 Study of Relationhip between teachers' Teaching-Information Literacy and Teaching Effectiveness
- 近二十年國內外幼兒園園長相關領域研究之發展與趨勢分析——兼從性別與幼教任務觀點討論未來研究之方向 An Analysis of the Development and for the Director of Kindergarten and Day-care Center in Taiwan and Overseas During the Past Two Decades: Inquiry from the Viewpoint of Gender and the Responsibility of Early Childhood Education to Future Works
- 高等技職教育體制改革之探討 The Study on System Reform of Higher Technological and Vocational Education
- 私立大學校院內部行銷作為與顧客導向之關聯性研究——以S科技大學為例 A Relative Research on Internal Marketing Behaviors and Customer Orientation in Private University--A Survey of S University
- 繼續教育學生學習型態、動機與滿意度之探討——以進修學院為例 An exploration into the relationship betweenlearning style, motivation and satisfaction of continue educational students - An example of Institute of Continuation Education
- 創新管理與學校創新經營 Innovation Management and School's Innovation Operation
- 大學角色功能與經營管理之改變與省思——以後現代知識論述的觀點 Changes and Reflection about Role, Function and Administration on Universities from the Postmodern Perspective
- 解析知識管理的權力結構——與紀登斯(A. Giddens)與傅柯(M. Foucault)的對話 To Analyze the Structure of Power of Knowledge Management 一Debating with A. Giddens and M. Foucault