一九六○年代台灣歌仔戲赴星洲展演印記 The legacy of performance of Taiwanese Gezixi in Singapore in the 1960s
客家女性的歷史長河──論謝霜天《梅村心曲》的女性歷史關懷 Hakka Women’s Long River of History: On Female Care for History in Xie Shuang-tian’s Mei Cun Xin Qu
歷史記憶與創傷書寫:論張光直《蕃薯人的故事》及其一九八○年代小說的再現機制 Historical Memory and Traumatic Writing: Kwang-chih Chang's The Story of A Taiwanese Man and Representation Mechanism of Chang’s Novels in the 1980s
日治台灣的「詩精神」與「新精神」:以《風景》、《茉莉》與《風車》為例 "“Poésie”and the“Esprit Nouveau”of Taiwan during the Japanese Colonial Period: Huukei, Marri, and Le Moulin"