台灣文學學報 Bulletin of Taiwanese Literature |
201612 (29期)期所有篇 |
- 〈送報伕〉在中國:《山靈:朝鮮台灣短篇集》與楊達小說的接受 “Newspaper Man” in China: The Reception of Mountain Spirits: Selected Short Stories from Korea and Taiwan and Yang Kui’s short story
- 普羅文藝批評的文化轉向--論吳坤煌對鄉土文學的批判與繼承 The Cultural Diversion of Proletarian Literature Critics: On the Critical Inheritance of Folklore Literature from Wu Kung-Hung
- 後解嚴時期西川滿文學翻譯的文化政治 The Cultural Politics in NISIKA WA MITURU's Literature Translation during the Post-martial Period
- 互相註解、補完的異語世界--論東山彰良《流》中的文化翻譯 A Study on Cultural Translation in Ryu by Akira Higashiyama: Mutual Annotation and Supplementation of Different Languages
- 尊孔與譏孔--日治台灣孔子形象的神聖性與世俗化 Praise and Ridicule: Immortalization and Desecration of the image of Confucius in Taiwan during Japanese colonial period
- 日治時期台灣官方文學教育初探--以公學校課程為考察對象 Exploratory Research on Sanctioned Literary Education during the Japanese Colonial Period in Taiwan: Using the Public Elementary School Curriculum as an Example