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“Newspaper Man” in China: The Reception of Mountain Spirits: Selected Short Stories from Korea and Taiwan and Yang Kui’s short story
作者 柳書琴
Yang Kui’s short story “Newspaper Man” is extremely important in the history of the exchange of left-wing literature, for it is not only the first short story in the history of Taiwan literature published in a magazine of Japanese literature, but also the first Taiwanese short story translated into Chinese and Esperanto and introduced to China. The course from “Shimbun Haitatsu Fu (Prequel)” to “Newspaper Man” translated by Hu Feng inscribes the journey in East Asia taken by a short story of the colony. The paper analyzes the reception of “Newspaper Man” in China, a short story circulated in Taiwan, Japan, and China, by investigating the contexts of editions and literary reception and scrutinizes the role Yang Kui played in the left-wing corridor in East Asia by examining different reception contexts in the literary circles in China and Japan. Focusing on the three earliest editions, “Shimbun Haitatsu Fu (Prequel)” (first edition), “Shimbun Haitatsu Fu” (full edition), and “Newspaper Man” translated by Hu Feng (Hu Feng’s edition), I first explore the background of this short story when it was originally released in Taiwan; next, I examine the contexts when the edition translated by Hu Feng appeared in World Knowledge, Selected Short Stories from Minor Cultures, and Mountain Spirits: Selected Short Stories from Korea and Taiwan; finally, I explain how the trend of translating minor literatures prevalent in Shanghai in the 1930s influenced the reception and interpretation of Taiwan left-wing short stories in the literary circle in China.
起訖頁 1-38
關鍵詞 楊逵胡風〈送報伕〉〈新聞配達夫〉《山靈》《弱小民族小說選》左翼文化走廊Yang KuiHu Feng“Newspaper Man,” Mountain SpiritsSelected Short Stories from Minor Culturesleft-wing corridor
刊名 台灣文學學報  
期數 201612 (29期)
出版單位 國立政治大學台灣文學研究所
該期刊-下一篇 普羅文藝批評的文化轉向--論吳坤煌對鄉土文學的批判與繼承




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