師大學報:科學教育類 Journal of Taiwan Normal University: Science Education |
200510 (50:2期)期所有篇 |
- 中學生應達到的地球科學素養?--中學地科老師的觀點 Taiwan's Secondary School Teachers' Expectations with Regard to the Earth Science Literacy of their Students
- 影響國小學童科技創意發展的因素之量表發展 The Development of Inventories for Determining Factors that Influence Pupils' Technological Creativity
- 探究情境中國小學童科學解釋能力成長之研究 Developing the Skills Sixth Graders Need for Constructing Scientific Explanations in Inquiry-based Learning Environments
- 線上測驗是否有可能具備與紙筆測驗相同評分效力? Could On-line Testing have the Same Effects on Scoring as Paper-and-Pencil Testing?