全球化與多元文化學報 Journal of Globalization and Multicultralism |
201412 (2期)期所有篇 |
- 全球化下都市再生與名牌建築--庫哈斯與臺北藝術中心 Design-Led Urban Regeneration and Signature Architecture Rem Koolhaas and Taipei Performing Arts Centre
- 泰國因應2011年洪災的政策:災害管理觀點之分析 Analyzing 2011 Thailand Floods from the Perspective of Disaster Management
- 女性移民資訊尋求行為與家庭傳播型態應用之研究 The Study of Information Seeking Behavior and Family Communication in Immigrated Women
- 臺日兩國創意城市的發展研究 The Study of the Development of Creative Cities Development in Japan and Taiwan