人文研究學報 Journal of Humanistic Studies |
202310 (57:0期)期所有篇 |
- 盧嘉興研究與《開元寺徵詩錄》的歷史新解:有關殖民改造與戒嚴陰影下的雙重辯證嘗試 Lu Jiaxing's Research and New Historical Interpretation of Kaiyuan Temple Zhengshilu:A Double Dialectical Attempt Under the Shadow of Colonial Transformation and Martial Law
- 記憶所繫之墓:盧嘉興對左鎮李公墓碑的探勘、考證與敘事 Lu Chia-Hsing's Mystery Solving:Tracing a Lost Memory of the Ping-pu Tribe from an Ancient Tomb
- 《春秋經》與《左傳》卿之身分判準三則 Three criteria for the Judgment of Qīng’s Identity in “Chūn Qiū Jīng” & “Zuǒ Zhuán”
- 修水道教清微道宗天師科派的經籙傳承與發展初探:以《天醫寶籙》為例 A Preliminary Study of the Taoist Lu About Qing-wei Sect, Xiu-shui: Focusing on Tianyibaolu
- 韻逸仙乎——陳定山其人其書 Graceful and Godly: Ding-Shan Chen and His Books
- 顧彬的文學史方法之三個啟示 The Three Greatest Revelations of the Methods on Literature History Written by Kubin