This article takes "Chūn Qiū Jīng" & "Zuǒ Zhuán" as the text scope, and proposes three criteria for judging the identity of Qīng. The first is "those Generals who escorted the Emperor Zhōu, Monarchs or Princes from other States to their own States with armies are Qīng." The second is "those who expressed their condolences to States or extended condolences to Monarchs are Qīng." The third is "those who welcomed Princes from other States to their own States and let them become Monarchs or the first Prince in succession to the throne are Qīng." Refer to "Chūn Qiū Jīng" & "Zuǒ Zhuán", there are ten stories and thirteen characters belong to the first criterion. According to the analysis of this article, they are Xí Péng (Qí State), Chéng Dé-chén (Chǔ State), Dòu Bó (Chǔ State), Zhào Dùn (Jìn State), Qū Jiàn (Chǔ State), Gāo Yǎn (Qí State), Jí Tán (Jìn State), Xún Lì (Jìn State), Zhào Yang (Jìn State), Shū-sūn Shū (Lǔ State), Gāo Rú (Yuè State), Shé Yōng (Yuè State) and Yuè Fá (Sòng State). All these thirteen above are Qīng. Besides, there are five stories and four characters belong to the second criterion and they were record by expressing their condolences to States. Another five stories and five characters were record for extending their condolences to Monarchs. Except those Monarchs, there are six persons who belong to the second criterion. They are Hòu Chéng-shū (Lǔ State), Shū Gōng (Lǔ State), Gōng-sūn Zhēn-zi (Chén State), Zāng Hé (Lǔ State), Gāo Zhàng (Qí State) and Xún Lì (Jìn State). All these six Dà-fū above are Qīng. In conclusion, there are eight stories and eight characters belong to the third criterion, except for an unknown character. The rest of them are Jì Zhòng (Zhèng State), Shí Jiǎ-fù (Zhèng State), Hóu Xuān-duō (Zhèng State), Zhào Chuān (Jìn State), Xún Yīng (Jìn State), Cuī Zhù (Qí State), Gōng-zǐ Duó (Jǔ State) and Zǐ Xī (Chǔ State). Jì Zhòng, Zhào Chuān, Xún Yīng, Cuī Zhù and Zǐ Xī are identified as Qīng. Shí Jiǎ-fù and Hóu Xuān-duō are also confirmed to be Qīng by some evidence. The overall ratio is more than 80%, and it is speculated that Gōng-zǐ Duó is also Qing.