人文研究學報 Journal of Humanistic Studies |
201504 (49:1期)期所有篇 |
- 政存悲憫出良心--從陳璸詩文印證其落實廉政源自經明行修 Conscience comes out of the political sympathy -From Chen Bin poetry confirms honest politics implementation by being good both in character and scholarship
- 儒家知識份子理想與政府官員職責的較完美結合——評陳璸的臺灣文教實踐活動對今人的啟示 Combining Confucianism Intellectual’s Ideals with Government official’s Duties in a Comparatively Perfect Way
- 試由碑記探論陳璸對清代臺灣府縣儒學與書院之貢獻及影響--以《臺灣教育碑記》、《臺灣南部碑文集成》為研究範圍 An Exploration from the Tablet Inscriptions of Chen Bin’s Contribution to and Influence on Taiwan Prefecture Confucian academies and Taiwan academies in the Qing Dynasty: On Taiwan’s Education Inscription and Collections of Inscriptions from Southern Taiwan
- 盛唐贈縣令詩的人物形象與文化意蘊 The Aesthetic Characteristics and Cultural Implication of Zeng-Xian-Ling Poetry at the Flourishing age in Tang Dynasty
- 王忠孝晚明時期生平考 A Textual Research on the Life of Zhong-xiao Wang in the Late Ming Period