臺灣文學研究集刊 NTU Studies in Taiwan Literature |
201202 (11期)期所有篇 |
- 帝國讀者對被殖民者文學的閱讀與想像:以同人雜誌《文藝首都》為例 Empire Readers' Reading and Imagination of the Literature of the Colonized: The Peer Magazine Capital of Literature and Arts as an Example
- 性、啟蒙與歷史債務:李永平《大河盡頭》的創傷和敘事 Desire, Enlightenment, and Historical Debts: A study of Trauma and Narrative in Li Yongping's The End of the River
- 戰後臺灣小說中「將軍書寫」初探 The Writings about Generals in Postwar Taiwan Fiction: A Preliminary Inquiry
- 《三六九小報‧新聲律啟蒙》語言美學初探 An aesthetic study of New Chinese Poem Writing Guide