建築學報 Journal of Architecture |
202109 (117期增刊(建築設計教學及設計教育專刊Ⅲ)期)期所有篇 |
- 應用新興人機互動科技發展智慧建築教學策略培養學生知識、實作與創造力 Applying the Emerging Technologies of Human-Computer Interactions to the Development of a Teaching Strategy for Enhancing Students' Smart-Building Capabilities in the Areas of Knowledge, Practice and Creativity
- 物理環境模擬輔助建築及都市設計之教學案例 Influence of Building Performance Simulation on Architectural and Urban Design Processes – A Teaching Study
- 由跨年級學生團隊、跨領域師資教學及跨場域交流平台執行建築設計與社會實踐參與 Implementation of Architectural Design with Social Practice Activities through Cross-grade Student Group, Cross-professional Teaching Resource and Cross-field Interaction Platform