觀光休閒學報 Journal of Tourism and Leisure Studies |
201908 (25:2期)期所有篇 |
- 餐旅組織永續性挑戰:從實證觀點檢視重要屬性、創新及新技術導入影響 Sustainability Challenges in Hospitality Organizations: An Empirical Study on Attributes, Innovation, and New Technology
- 以社會資本理論為基礎建構遊客社群網站使用意圖模式:以太魯閣國家公園為例 Construction of a Model of Visitors' Intention to Use Social Networks Based on Social Capital Theory:A Case Study of Taroko National Park
- 出國購買伴手禮行為因素探討 Exploring the Factors in Outbound Gift Purchase Behavior
- 旅館業的非線性與持續性獲利研究:服務品質的作用 Non-Linearity and Persistence Effects on Hospitality Profitability: the Role of the Service Quality